Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Incarceron by Catherine Fisher (reviewed by Bear Schacht)

A prison like no other........

Long ago Incarceron was built, and many prisoners were placed inside. It was intended to create a perfect society, but something went terribly wrong. On the inside, everything is in chaos. The strong rule the weak, and the living prison does nothing but observe. On the outside time has been outlawed, and everyone is forced to live in a past era, and most of them have no idea what is going on inside.

Claudia is the daughter of the Warden of Incarceron. Finn is inside, but has vague memories of the outside.

Both struggle in their different worlds, until they both find mysterious crystal keys with which they can communicate. Claudia finds her way into incarceron, and they try to escape back out, something that has been done only once before. Trouble is, that's against the rules. The prison was designed to keep people in, and it does not want them to leave.

A gripping and complex story, masterfully told with plenty of suspense and plot twists, a must-read for any steampunk fan.

(and then, at the end, with the thing, and it's like...... SOOOO awesome!)

Ah, Incarceron, one of my favorites!! Click here to check our catalog to see if Incarceron is on the shelves.

Bear reviewed Incarceron as part of our special summer promotion: review a book and get the ADVANCE READING COPY (ARC) of the sequel, giving him a chance to read it MONTHS before it was released! How did Bear find out about this amazing promotion?! He's signed up for the library's teen e-mail list, so he gets to hear about all the latest news, promotions, programs, and events first. Want to be on the list? Send us an e-mail at ysweb @ lacnm dot us to get added! You can also hear about what's happening by visiting the library's teen website!